When looking for medical care, one of the recommendations that you hear time and time again is to ask a physician which treatment or which product they would use if they were dealing with your symptoms. This only makes sense, even when talking about skin care products. Think about it; a dermatologist knows just about everything there is to know about getting older. They know everything about acne breakouts, and they know about every other issue that affects your skin. So, who better to consult? There are various benefits to using physician-approved skin care products.
Most dermatologists use pharmaceutical-grade skin care products to address their issues. They’re going to use pharmaceutical-grade skin care products because of their formula strength and their effectiveness. In the vast majority of cases, a brand that is sold in the store is going to have a low amount of the active ingredient. The reason for this is because when you sell a product over-the-counter, you want just about everyone who comes across the product to have the ability to use it without irritation. The manufacturer’s goal is to produce an irritation-free product that allows them to market to a broad customer base.
Another reason why the active ingredient is higher in pharmaceutical-grade skin care products is because in the United States as well as other countries, there are legal restrictions on how much of an active ingredient a product can have if it is sold at a retailer. The idea is that since these pharmaceutical-grade products are stronger, it’s best to have a physician give the product to the patient and show the patient how to use the product.
When you purchase something over-the-counter at your local drug store, you’re basically guessing about the skin condition that you have and also guessing whether or not the product that you purchase is the right one to address your problem. However, if you talk to our medical professional and have them recommend physician-approved skin care products that you can use, you’re giving yourself the knowledge of professionals. This way, you are sure to get the best product for your particular condition.
These are just a few of the advantages that come from using physician-approved skin care products. During a consultation at Orange County Skin Lab in San Juan Capistrano, you can learn more about the products we have available. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment with our skin care specialist!